Interview with Zary Fekete

Three-time Featured author and published in Issue No. 2, Vox Novum, Issue No. 3, Pulsus Litterae, Issue No. 4, Musa et Verbum, and Issue No. 5, Aeternum Scriptor.

Hello! My name is Zary Fekete. I grew up in the country of Hungary where I lived until the age of 16. I finished high school and university in the United States and then spent the next 20 years of my life teaching high school students in Eastern Europe and in East Asia. I currently live in Minnesota where I work for a non-profit film production company. I love to read, write, and listen to podcasts while taking long jogs.

Interview published in Issue No. 5, Aeternum Scriptor, February 1st, 2025.

What inspired you to write the piece(s) that was published in Everscribe? Can you share the story behind it?

I have had three pieces published in Everscribe (as of this interview) and another piece is on its way. The three that have been published two are creative nonfiction pieces ("Budapest Bus by Night" and "The Secret Cave"), and the third is a short fiction piece that takes many elements from my personal life ("Sunshine"). Most of what I write tends to come from real-life experiences in some manner. For example, in my piece coming out next in Everscribe ("The Hercules Fountain") I have taken some elements from Hungarian mythology and history to imagine a moment. Even when I write something more in the world of fantasy or science fiction, the core issue involved usually comes from something I've been thinking about in my daily life.

What themes or messages do you hope readers take away from your work?

I like to slow down and observe things passing me by in daily life. Writing helps me do this. I like challenging my own thoughts about the world. If I have a knee-jerk reaction to something in the news, I try to stop myself and ask whether I'm right or if I need to be more generous in my perspective. I wish I wasn't so needy and dependent... hoping people will like what I produce.

How has your writing evolved since you started? Are there any particular influences that have shaped your style?

I have only been writing for about four years. I still feel very new at this. Since writing has taken off as a hobby, I have definitely read a lot more, and I'm sure my writing has come to mirror some of the authors I admire. I really like some of the English language short story writing from the early to middle of the 20th century. Some of my favorites writers are Patricia Highsmith, Daphne Du Maurier, and Shirley Hazzard.

If you could give one piece of advice to aspiring authors, what would it be?

I feel like everybody says this... but it's true: the best thing to do is to read a lot and write a lot. All of what you read will help you. Much of what you write will not be good... some good pieces will start to surface over time. And even the bad things you write will be helpful if you reread them actively and edit them repeatedly.

Are there any upcoming projects or works in progress that you’re particularly excited about?

Well, I am certainly excited about my piece coming out in the fifth issue of Everscribe :) I also have pieces in early 2025 coming out in places like Abyss and Apex, Remington Review, Darkwinter Lit... and a few others. I have a forthcoming book of some of my short stories coming out later in the year from Creative Texts Publishing.

How can readers find you and see more of your work?

I am on X and Instagram @ZaryFekete and on Bluesky I post about everything I publish... like most authors, I suppose. :)